The lead up to this weekend run was problematic for sure.

Since Boston I have had intermittent problems with my calf muscles. Firstly the right calf and then the left calf. Not bad enough injuries to stop running but certainly it has hampered my training.

On the Saturday we had to collect the race kit. I did this after the Saucony Run in Gurney. It was great to have a warm up 4km jog with fellow runners and then listen to Choo Hooi Lim talk about his path to becoming a 6 star finisher. To see all the medals lying there was another form of motivation.  The Abbots World Marathon Majors 6Star Finisher medal is huge and fantastic recognition for those who aspire to complete the 6 races. Continue reading “RACE REPORT – PENANG RUN 32km”

Penang Bridge International Marathon – Race 4 in #PrepForBOSTON.

My personal preparation for the Penang Bridge International Marathon (PBIM2017) was not the best to be honest. Lack of sleep over the previous 48 hours led to a rather lethargic end to the race. This was my longest run since the Tokyo Marathon in February 2017 and is only part of the preparation for Boston so not too disappointed overall. Continue reading “Penang Bridge International Marathon – Race 4 in #PrepForBOSTON.”

Howei – Brings You Monday Evening Training…….in Penang

Would you like to join group training in Penang?

Are you available from 18:30 on a Monday evening?

Please come along to Persiaran Karpal Singh (opposite Starbucks) on the promenade. You will meet other keen runners and have some fun at the KSD RUNNING CLINIC.

These are just casual runs of 3-6km (although you can run a lot more if you wish?).

Free “Team Howei” t-shirt for first time runners.

If you want further information on this please email – info@howei.com


AMAZING PENANG RUN 2017 – 15th October 2017

Official race 3 in preparation for the 
   BOSTON MARATHON and the start of the “runRICKYrun Project”.

It was an early start and as normal was one of the first runners to arrive at the start. As always needed to find a restroom whilst waiting for the race to begin. This event had several races that had different start times – 17km, 10km, 5 km fun run. I entered the 17km race. Race maybe not the right word in my case as I was looking to just have a longer run at this stage of my preparation.

Continue reading “AMAZING PENANG RUN 2017 – 15th October 2017”