I have had 8 months now of using the iFit training programs and wanted to provide a personal review of the system.
Continue reading “The Joy of iFit….”I have had 8 months now of using the iFit training programs and wanted to provide a personal review of the system.
Continue reading “The Joy of iFit….”As we are fast approaching the final Major of the runRICKYrun challenge in London we have just released another update.
If you wish to download please click below:
We will also take this opportunity to promote the fundraising for CHILDREN WITH CANCER UK. Remember that the runRICKYrun project has been a charity fundraising challenge – if you have some spare change to donate to an absolutely great charity please DONATE HERE
Thank you so much for your continued support of runRICKYrun. It is amazing to think that through your kindness and generosity we have raised over $22,000 USD for charities in the last 12 months. THANK YOU
Ricky Matthews – 11th April 2019
We arrived in Tokyo 8 days before the race. I had meetings planned for the early part of the week and then the EXPO and delivering shirts for Thursday / Friday before rest on the Saturday.
I think the Expo day was an early indication of how the race day would be. Thursday saw the heavens open and rain incessantly for the best part of the day. This weather was far from ideal as this year the EXPO format was in large tents among the car parks of Odaiba. This was my 8th Tokyo Marathon, so compared to the previous EXPOs that I have attended over the years this was the worst. In part due to the weather, but also due to the fragmented layout of the site. Dodging between the tents and trying to keep as dry as possible meant that I did not spend as much time looking around the various stalls.
The fragmented layout of the expo and the rain did not help the enjoyment factor of the expo this year.
Oofos disappointingly did not have a TOKYO MARATHON pair this year…!
Collecting the number, having the wristband (which you must wear until end of the race) placed on my arm, photo taken, collecting the charity kit and goody bag was all efficient as you would expect in Japan. All of the volunteers were smiling and happy and wishing you a good race. They did their best to keep spirits high.
I was able to meet several runners who had purchased the TOKYO SHIRTS from runRICKYrun (in partnership with Inseanity). Most were collected at the expo and I had 3 left to deliver to Shinjuku the next day.
There were several freebies to collect (as with all of the expos). A free reflective wristband from the Pocari Sweat stand was the highlight of these. It will actually come in useful here in Malaysia as most of our runs are very early morning before the sun rises.
At the end of the expo I was cold and very wet feet. Overall i would rate this expo a 5 out of 10 (and most of those points were due to the very positive energy coming from the volunteers.
There was a lot of banter on the runners groups about the expected weather. When I checked at 20:00 on the Saturday evening it was not due to rain on Sunday in Tokyo until around 18:00. This was perfect I thought……
The kit was set up, the chip on the shoe, the number pegged to the shirt. I was ready and had a good nights sleep.
I had planned to wear an undershirt (compression) and my runRICKYrun shirt on top. The RMHC arm sleeves and calf sleeves would also provide some protection from the elements.
Waking early it was cold but not raining…. this felt good. The target of 04:59:59 was very realistic after 5:06:17 in New York. I was looking forward to the race day.
Heading across Tokyo from our AirBnB apartment to the starting area in Shinjuku involved a couple of changes. No issue though as I have lived in Tokyo previously for 8 years so the train network is very simple to use.
When leaving the station in Shinjuku I was feeling the first sign of light rain in the air. It was now around 08:00 and after using the portapotty I started to remove the tracksuit and warmer clothes to prepare to head to baggage drop and the corrals. I had a large bin liner that I had brought with me but this was very thing and was just going to act as a waterproof barrier until it tears.
After handing in the bag I headed to the K corral. It was not very busy but already there were people standing in the areas that offered some shelter from the rain that had now increased to more of a heavy drizzle. I still had around 55 minutes to wait until the start of the race. I was trying to keep dry but was also beginning to feel cold. It was now that I realised I had made an error in not checking the forecast in the morning. If I had known that rain was now due to continue all day I would have worn another layer of waterproof clothing….. after Boston marathon and Penang Bridge Marathon last year (both with horrendous rainful) I should have learnt my lesson..!
It was now too late to make any clothing changes (no access to kit bag after handing in) and I began to clock watch as the time of 09:10 was slowly approaching. I also had the urge to use the bathroom again. I knew now though that I had to find a toilet on route as we were about to start.
Well in block K you do not really move for around 10 minutes at least after the start and then you slowly (walk) your way to the actual start area. At this point my hands/fingers were cold (as my gloves were wet) and my bare legs were also starting to shiver. I just wanted to start and try to warm up by moving. I finally crossed the start line 21 minutes and 38 seconds after the gun time.
We were now able to move although the area was still crowded. Moving that little bit more increased my need to find a toilet but the early toilets had rather long queues and I did not want to waste time this early in the race.
I knew the first 10km was generally down hill until Nihonbashi
This was around the speed that I wanted to do and apart from the need to find a loo I was just beginning to get warmer. There were a lot of runners about still but the early few KMs had provided a little bit of space. As I was trying to run a consistent speed throughout the race, I did have to dodge my way through the crowds at times. The rain was still heavy. Not to the extent of Boston at anytime, but my error in lack of clothing meant that I was colder at the start.
To this point all toilets that we passed were either visible and long queues or they were set a long way off the course. I did not want to waste time so I continued to the next one, and the next one etc.
After around 13-14 km I had to use the loo. The discomfort was such that it was causing me to think about it consistently. I decided I would use the next toilet. This was another one that was set off the course. I jogged to it and found the queue going outside the building. I had to go so I waited. When we entered the building I realised that the queue actually went down stairs. I could feel my body temperature dropping – oh why did I take off my top? I finally reached the urinal and went about my business. As by now we had stopped for around 8-10 minutes my fingers were cold and my wet body had begun to shiver. It was too late to get the top back so I just had to grin and bear it.
At 10km I was still feeling ok and now the body temperature was up to a more usual level. I was able to see my family around 12km and that buoyed the spirits. I did not realise at the time that this would be the only time on the course that I would see them all. I was a now warm so I decided to give the thin long sleeve shirt to the family and I placed the plastic liner back over my body. I knew if I kept moving my body would be working hard enough to retain heat. (In hindsight this was my second mistake – I should have retained the shirt if I knew that the toilet queues were going to be long).
The toilet stop had added around 10 minutes to my time. I was disappointed as I knew that this could be the difference between hitting my target and being over 5 hours. Mentally as I knew I had a long way to go and I was cold I found this part of the course very challenging. The rain appeared to feel heavier, I was certainly colder than I was. There was still 25 km to go. After passing by Asakusa Shrine you head out to Sumida shi & Koto shi. You have a few bridges here and you are on the out and back part of the course. I was looking for and spotted a few other runRICKYrun shirts along the route.
This is where you have your first u-turn on the course. You can also see the runners who are behind you. Body temperature wise I was still cold. My fingers (although in gloves) were cold due to the wet material). Crowds were still shouting and cheering the names of the runners with frequent “Gambatte” and “Fighto”. The spirit of the crowds at most of the majors are positive and very supportive – Tokyo is no exception. The spectators and the race volunteers were out in the same rain and cold weather as the runners (albeit they were probably better attired for the conditions) and were full of encouragement.
This part of the course for me is the least exciting. My family were meant to see me in two places but on both occasions I missed them.
Also around this time I began to realise that my sub 5 target today was not going to happen. I decided that I needed to focus on other things and try to keep in a rhythm and ignore the time. Crowd interaction here helps – the high fives and banter was very much a distraction. I knew I would finish, I knew that the cut offs would not be an issue. I just wanted to get to the finish.
Heading back into Ginza gave me some positive feelings. I know the area was fully ware of my location again. I was looking out for the family but I must have missed them. My sister in law was along the course and we missed a couple of times. I found a toilet with small queue so took some opportunity to use this as well (lost around 3 minutes).
At Ginza I was able to hear my family (albeit they were on the other side of the road).
From 30km you have another out and back down to Shinagawa. This was my home area for a few years (2006-2009). Passing Tokyo Tower, and Zojoji Temple and runners were around 5 km ahead of us on the way back to the finish.
Just after here you have the second u-turn. Now we were on the homeward leg to Tokyo Station and the finish. About 6.5 Km to go at the turn point. I was now walking at the water stations as mentally I knew that time was not good. I was able to see the course cut off points as I reaching 40km on the other side. The support runners with the yellow balloons – very closely followed by a couple of yellow buses that were picking up the runners who missed the cut offs. I have never been in that situation or even close to it (was always 25-45 minutes in front) but I did have a lot of sympathy for them. It was very cold and awful weather conditions for a marathon. To have your race cut short must be so demoralizing after 30km plus of effort.
I just want to finish and get warm. The last two km I was able to pick up the pace a bit and did not stop for any water or breaks. My family were about 700m from the finish (but again on the opposite side of the road). My son was upset that he never saw me but I did not want to stop – I just wanted to get to the end and change into my warmer clothes.
It was over – finally…. disappointed that my preparation was not good enough. Not happy with the time, but of course happy to finish my 17th Major marathon. With just London now to finish the runRICKYrun project for charity.
As a charity runner we were lead away to the left at the finish. We had to walk around 500m to reach the heat sheets (I think in these conditions they should have been immediately after the finish). We received a bottle of water, a goody bag and of course the medal. I was shivering again (because stopping running). It was around 10-12 minutes to walk from the finish line to the baggage collection point and then onto the changing area for charity runners. This area was a welcome relief from the cold and rain outside. We were given hot towels to wipe down and a warmer environment to change into our clean and dry clothes. Running with RMHC we also had another venue to go to post race. There was free food and drink and was able to gain access for 7 family members too. It was good to relax and begin to warm up properly. The highlight though was the 10 minute massage (300 yen + donation) it certainly felt good.
I think my sons highlight was meeting Ronald McDonald in the charity area.
Anyone that runs regularly will no doubt like to listen to music. I have always enjoyed listening whilst running and also receiving updates on my progress in the run via strava.
However since moving to Malaysia in 2012 I have had to go without music on all my long runs, unless I use a loud speaker or ran in the gym.
Reason being the roads in Malaysia are dangerous. I have preferred to be able to listen to traffic and the dangers of the road, rather than being at risk. I have sadly read about the death of a runner who was hit by a car whilst running and another who has life changing injuries. I am not for one second stating that these could be avoided by not listening to music – I am merely trying to inform of the real dangers out there.
I have tried to find some safe locations for running but still want to be aware of what is going on around me.
As an early birthday present my better half purchased a set of Trekz Air by AFTERSHOCKZ headphones.
The next generation of bone conduction technology is what’s inside their lightest and most organically designed open ear headphones to date. They cut the bulk and used titanium everywhere possible to ensure they not only fit more securely but sound better too.
Trekz Air are inspired by the demands of elite and aspiring athletes motivated by their music and their world.
I must admit I was sceptical of the sound quality so whilst in the shop I tried them by connecting to my iPhone.
I was amazed. The sound was surprising good – yet my ears were uncovered and therefore able to also hear any other sounds in the environment…!
So after unwrapping (before my birthday not until April but Hitomi knows how important this could be to my training with 2 marathons to prepare for) I tried some further tests. Using my iPhone as the source (Bluetooth) I was able to be around 12 m away before there was any interference on the sound.
I also connected directly to my iWatch via Bluetooth and also worked very well.
Next test was in the gym.
I was able to hear the treadmill gently humming, my breathing and listen to the music. Again impressed with the sound quality.
Final test was on a run outside. Hence Saturday morning I set out for a 10km run to join the USM runners for their LSD run. I left home around 5:45 in the morning and at this hour the roads are dark and traffic is light. There are many dangers and therefore I wanted to be aware of the ambient noise in the environment. Starting on a low volume I was able to hear the music and run along with my wits about me. They are lightweight and the around ear design was fairly solid and held well in place. No real movement or restrictions. It was enjoyable.
As I approached the end of the run the traffic had increased so I did turn up the sound. Still perfect quality with no issues and I was still able to hear the cars and also the occasional beeping of a car horn or barking of the local dogs.
It was a success…!!!
So let me tell you a little more about the headphones.
They also allow multi pairing – so I have mine paired to iPhone and iWatch so that I can listen to my strava commands as well as listen to music (depending on the workout).
I have had 5 hours plus of music from one charge (6 it states on the box) which is enough for a marathon. Hard to dislodge or lose whilst running as there are no cables or wires to catch.
Thoroughly recommended.
Price – for Bluetooth headphones they are well priced at MYR699 (about $170USD – although will be cheaper in the US with a recommended retail at $149.99 USD.
This was the 2nd time flying to the US this year after Boston in April. The flight from Penang including transfers was a monster 30 hours. Continue reading “RACE REVIEW: CHICAGO MARATHON 2019”
This was the 2nd time flying to the US this year, after Boston in April. The flight from Penang including transfers was a monster 30 hours.
I travel very frequently with work so I often leave the family for a week trip to Tokyo or a few days in Asia. But when i am leaving the family for personal reasons (like Marathon etc) it is very emotional. Hitomi and the boys see me off at the airport – a few tears are shed. So after saying goodbye to the family (which is never easy) I set off to Chicago.
All my US trips (Boston, Chicago and New York) were all booked via Emirates. They are a fantastic airline (food & service) and after the 1 hour leg to Kuala Lumpur It was then the longer trip to Dubai. I had a few hours in Dubai airport to stretch my legs and then it was waiting at the gate for the final leg to Chicago. Based on what the passengers were wearing, it was easy to spot the other marathoners at the gate.
The last leg to Chicago was a long 14.5 hours….!
Arriving at Ohare Airport around 15:30 in the afternoon and navigating the immigration queues took some time. The bags were already on the carousel when I reached baggage.
Then Onto the blue line down to the loop. I was now in downtown Chicago – this is when you noticed all the Marathon signs and flags. There was certainly a buzz about the place.
For the first 2 nights I stayed at the Silversmith Hotel – it is a fantastic hotel. Very large room and many artistic touches of an vintage era. Staff were first class and asked excitedly about the Marathon – I was knackered after 30 hours of traveling but at the same time I was buzzing from their staff’s excitement.
Next day I left early to make my way down to the Hilton Chicago to catch the shuttle bus to the expo. I had a few arm sleeves and calf sleeves branded by Sean of Inseanity to market, so I took them with me. The expo was well organised and there were many different retailers selling their running related goods. Collected my bib and shirt etc. Had to queue twice as needed to collect a separate running bib for Saturdays Advocate Healthcare International 5km run too.
The Marathon shirt was awesome design that matched the layout of the medal. Tried it on and fit was good. No exchange needed.
Next step was to go and meet the TeamRMHC maestro Katie at the TeamRMHC stand. With over 1000 runners joining the team, this little lady does an absolute wonderful job organising a very demanding bunch of “athletes”. (Ed note – athletes in the loosest possible sense).
The TeamRMHC collectively raised over $1.4million for the charity which is amazing.
I was able to sell a few more of the RMHC sleeves too as I walked around as an advert wearing these red and white hoops on my arms…!!!
Next step was Oofos to buy a pair of “Chicago Marathon” branded recovery thongs. For me these are essential – nothing better post Marathon to put your tired and aching feet into the Oofos and immediately feel the benefit of what can only be described as walking on clouds. I strongly recommend oofos for all marathon runners – they are a must-have item post race.
Spent a few hours navigating the expo and chatting with other excited, anxious,nervous runners. At this point, if you didn’t realise it before….. it was REAL…!
Early to bed on Friday night although I will be honest I found it incredibly difficult to sleep with the after effects of the travel. My body clock was all over the place. Up early Saturday morning and ready for the Advocate Healthcare International 5km “shake out” run.
Looking out the window I could see that it was raining heavily with flashes of lightning as a storm passed over. The start was only a short walk from the hotel but the rain was heavy. I was offered an umbrella by the hotel staff but knew I couldn’t run with it so declined.
After the walk, trying to keep out of the rain as much as possible (impossible task) I reached the start area and could see many runners huddled under any shelter they could find. The tannoy (which was challenging to hear with the buzz from the runners) was confirming that the run was in danger of being cancelled due to the dangerous conditions and the RED WARNING at that time. Instead it was decided to delay the start and see if it improves as forecasted.
Eventually the rain subsided and the race got underway.
They released runners in small groups for safety.
I was able to complete the 5km in a modest 31minutes. It was a little slippery underfoot due to the very wet conditions.
This race though did highlight the challenge of GPS in the city. Strava mapping of my run was all over the place. It looked more like my youngest son’s attempts at drawing a pretty pattern on the map. ?
The medal and goodie bag was in hand and off I walked back to the hotel. With a mornings work well done.
After a shower and brief time to relax (due to the delayed start of the run) I had to check out of Silversmith and make the short journey to the Hilton Chicago. This was the Chicago Marathon “Home” with many of the elite athletes staying here too – including Mo Farah. Hilton allowed me to check into my room immediately (even though check in was not until 15:00) – thank you @hilton.
The room was nice but not as large as the one I had at Silversmith.
I did like the “Chicago Marathon” room key though which was a nice momento from them.
I sorted out my race kit first – shirt, shorts, undershort compression, socks and arm and leg sleeves. Lubrication and blister “prevention” plasters. I was ready……
I was now tired so I decided to nap.
Saturday evening was the TeamRMHC Pasta Party at Union Station. The tables were laid out and there were many runners there by the time I arrived (and I was early). Taking a seat near the food (priorities first) and away from the stage area. I was able to join other runners and chat about their experiences (most had run Chicago before). The food and drink were good and there was plenty available for all the guests.
Then there were a few speeches Katie of course, Coach Brendan (with some last minute advice), runners who openly talked about their connection to the RMhC charity. I had tears in my eyes as a runner described how indebted she is to the charity and how they assisted her family when her son spent over 140 days in hospital. To hear a fellow runner explain why she is running for this cause was so inspiring. She explained in detail how the charity provided the accommodation at the Ronald McDonald home near the hospital where her son was treated – really achieving the tagline of “keeping the family together”.
As a charity runner, I normally select a “child related” charity to raise funds for, but I have no specific “personal connection” to any charity. Therefore, to hear first hand the story behind her families plight whilst their son was facing extreme difficulties in hospital really pulled on the heart strings. The speech was very inspirational and really demonstrates the wonderful job that these charities do.
It was a very enjoyable evening.
We all left for our early nights in prep for the race day.
Another night with not the best sleep, but positive as it is RACE DAY…!
Had two bananas and drank water, prepared my feet and body with lubrication and proceeded to dress ready. I made the short 2 minute walk across the road to the RMHC tent
This was our home for the next couple of hours before the race – it was a massive tent in Grant Park. There was a DJ playing music, a private bag drop area, a massage area, a stretching zone, copious amounts of food and drinks for breakfast. Many port-a-loo’s and loads of seating (although as this was being used for 1000 runners and later their guests this would never be enough).
Runners began to arrive. I was able to sell the last few sleeves that we had left. This made some extra funds for the RMHC charity which was great. It was a party atmosphere which was a first for me before a marathon. You were able to keep warm and dry and also stock up on food and drinks before the race starts.
The charity team of Katie and her colleagues did an awesome job making everyone feel special and most very welcome.
There was a team photo in the grounds of the teamRMHC area.
As race time approached we were led in groups down to the secure area and our corrals. I decided to have a last minute toilet break before entering the corrals. There were long queues but they were moving so it did not take that long. It was lightly raining at this point.
Waiting in the corral with fellow runners is always an anxious time. I have run 16 marathons (15 of which have been majors) but still have a tinge of nervousness before the start. I do have a routine to relax and breathe – trying to calm the excitement too.
We heard the first wave start and the cheer of a crowd in the distance. At least Mo Farah and the elites were away.
We started in wave 2 which was 08:00 start. But actually did not cross the start line until 08:22…. we were off……
Leaving the park and beginning the run is always a difficult time as you want to get into your rhythm and relax the breathing etc. It is hard to access your speed with your watch as running in a city the GPS can be interrupted. So you “guess” a little and try not to go off too fast.
In the first mile we actually run past the Ronald McDonald House – Chicago. It was great to see the support at the windows..!
The first 5km had many crowds and also you had the bridges as well. Chicago as a marathon is generally flat (apart from the bridges across the rivers).
I felt good and as this was only 3 weeks after Berlin I was reluctant to push too much too early. I was also mindful that in just 4 short weeks I would be heading back to the US to run in New York too.
The 5km was fairly uneventful – the light rain was on/off but due to high humidity levels it was never possible to have dry clothes. My shirt remained wet through the combination of rain and sweat for the whole race. Very different to Berlin where the shirt had salt stains due to the drier conditions.
The shirt from Inseanity was holding up well and I felt good.
5km – 00:32:35 – on track.
We entered a park type area alongside Lake Michigan which opened up the exposure to the wind at times. The crowds were more interspersed here but still vocal. Some of the signs that they hold are very witty, some are crazy and some you just do not understand. There were a few bands and singers with other entertainment.
The water stations were very well signed and marshalled. With paper cups which is certainly safer than the plastic used in Berlin.
I think with the head wind here it was a little slower too.
10km – 01:06:20 – again on track to beat my desired time but a little slower.
In between 10-15km you turn and then you have the wind more at your back. I was able to speed up a little here to race pace. The runners were still fairly grouped together and any point that narrowed you could feel the tightness more. Generally though the roads are sufficiently wide to not have to break your stride.
15km – 01:38:09 back on track.
During the next split we still had the wind at our backs. I felt a little chilly due to the wet kit and gusty wind but would not say it was much of a distraction. The constant cheering from the crowds always gave you something to think about.
Compared to Berlin the Chicagoans were definitely loader and constant with their cheering. It was similar to Boston in April (although in boston the weather was atrocious which would have limited the support somewhat).
20km – 02:11:30 faster than Berlin…!
HALF – 02:19:09
It was around the half way stage that maybe the lack of sleep, the lack of recovery from Berlin, having the elongated taper of pre Berlin to pre Chicago, these factors contributed to a more lethargic feeling. I was very confident of finishing but I felt the tiredness beginning to build.
25km – 02:48:33 – this was a 37:03 5km split (which is a full 5 minutes slower than normal). I needed a second wind.
I was still very confident of finishing – nothing was going to stop me…! But mentally I think at this point I began to question the idea of running two marathons in 3 weeks….!
30Km – 3:28:49…. slowing…..
Run / walk breaks were now common each mile. The water breaks were used to walk and then running again shortly thereafter. The crowds were doing their best to motivate me, hearing your name being cheered from a stranger is quite motivational. The will of the crowd to push you through the tougher times was unquestionable. I enjoyed the journey through China Town and was able to keep putting one foot in front of the other.
35km – 04:11:53
At this point I knew that my target would not be reached today. I was confident of beating my time from Berlin (which after just three weeks was a small achievement I suppose). Mentally this made the running harder for sure and was probably the only time I can remember when I did have some negative questions being raised in my mind.
40Km -04:55:55
By the time I reached 40km I knew that Berlin time was going to be beaten. So I relaxed a little and decided to take a while to record a GoPro video. QUite emotional time for me. I always think of those that support me and the charity. I think about my family and boys at home. Always thank my mum as I know that she is up there watching and supporting me.
I knew I would finish, I knew I would beat Berlin and I was knackered so this walking video break was an easy way to finish.
The finish line was in sight and I then started to make more of an effort for the last 200m.
FINISH 05:14:05
a few minutes faster than Berlin (05:17:42) and nearly 30minutes faster than Boston.
Collecting the medal was awesome. It looks fabulous and very different from the round traditional medals that we have.
I hear that Mo Farah had won in 02:05:11 which was great to hear.
After the medal was a BEER…. unusual but most welcome…!
Actually that was my first Beer for a long time. The goody bag had some easy food and water etc and we also received the heat wrap.
As there was no bag to collect I started to head towards the teamRMHC tent. Unfortunately I had to discard the beer as the security would not let me take it out of the secure area….
When we reached the tent there was a red carpet to walk down – a great way to welcome back all the runners. The tent was busier than the early hours as many guests of the runners were also there too. The queue to collect the bag was a while but the food and drinks were flowing. I was able to relax and change into something more comfortable. Place my feet into my Chicago Marathon Oofos …. ah…. that initial feeling is a memory.
Was able to enjoy the charity hospitality and welcome back runners for a couple of hours. Made some great friends as part of the teamRMHC and it will certainly go down as one of the highlights of the runRICKYrun project. I must have enjoyed it as I have already registered to go back in October 2019 and run Chicago again with teamRMHC…!
Back at the Hilton I was able to shower and relax further. Went locally for dinner as I wanted to sleep.
The next day was actually 35 hours of traveling home – not ideal after running a marathon maybe.
Hitomi and the boys met me at Penang Airport and that was a very welcome sight. Miss them all lots whilst away and the cuddles were most welcome on my aching muscles.
Overall the trip was awesome – shame you cannot do the event without the travel though.
TeamRMHC are amazing and if anyone ever has the desire to run for a team of very supportive people in a wonderful city with awesome support – look no further than joining Katie and her team at RMHC in Chicago…!
On Sunday 13th October 2019….. I will be back running in Chicago – will you join me?
The latest update for the runRICKYrun project – Update 3 – released in October 2018.
The BERLIN MARATHON 2018 will be remembered for many years.
It was where &when Eluid KIPCHOGE broke the world record at 2 hours 1 min and 38 seconds.
I suppose I can always say I ran with him on that day (although my attempt took over 3 hours longer).
I arrived in Berlin (via London) 3 days before the race. It was warm and dry for most of the trip. Slight rain when I collected my bag from the expo on the Thursday before race day. Continue reading “RACE REPORT – 45th BMW BERLIN MARATHON”
It’s a long story but this event was a personal disaster for me in many ways…!
This event was the second “Challenge” of the Duo. The first was back in April 2018. This event was a 21km race and also a 10km race as well. Continue reading “RACE REPORT – IJM DUO HIGHWAY CHALLENGE 21km”
Thanks to the support from BROOKSRUNNINGMY of the runRICKYrun Project.
New arrivals from #BrooksRunningMY today – 2 pairs of runners.
First another pair of #GHOST10 in silver/blue colour
Also I have been given a pair from the new ENERGIZER range – RICOCHET…!
These shoes are designed to give you back some energy with every step. They contain the new DNA AMP technology in a lightweight frame.
So looking forward to testing these down the gym later…!
#Ricochet #BrooksRunningMY #MYRunningDay #BrooksAmbassador #DNAAMP #EnergizerMY #RunHappy