I have decided to have a large push to raise funds for some worthy charities. And to get you to open your purses and wallets at this difficult time, I am going to embark on an attempt to complete the ABBOTT WORLD MARATHON MAJORS (@wmmajors) and become a 6 star finisher.
Starting in April 2018 (just under a year from now) I will attempt to commence the 6 marathons in a 12 month period.
- April 2018 – BOSTON MARATHON
- September 2018 – BERLIN MARATHON
- October 2018 – CHICAGO MARATHON
- November 2018 – NEW YORK MARATHON
- February 2019 – TOKYO MARATHON
- April 2019 – LONDON MARATHON
Now I have completed 13 marathons in total (London x4, New York x1, Tokyo x7, Kuala Lumpur x1) including 3 in the last 12 months but clearly going for 6 in 12 months (including 3 in 3 months) will be a big uplift in the running stakes for me.
Now this adventure has only just commenced and I am beginning to seek corporate sponsorship (not to fund the events) but to contribute significantly to the charities.
I have already had some positive responses so continue to watch this page for future updates.
I am hoping to raise upwards of $42,195USD over the 12 months and feel that with the power of social media the charities can receive something positive for my endeavours.
If you are asking why $42,915 it equals $1.00 USD for each metre that I will run in a marathon.
My company, IFA-ASIA will be funding my entries, flights and accommodation at all the events which we estimate to be around $30,000 USD.
This will be my BIG THING before reaching the age of 50….
I am excited by this especially as I have received some positive feedback already from a global charity (so the marathon slots will be easier to obtain) and also some sponsors are beginning to give the green light too…!
Not sure if the knees will hold up. Probably not, but it will be something to remember for sure.
Further updates to follow………….